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Web Design Companies in Lebanon Putting More Focus on Typography

Web designers in Lebanon have have started to recognize the increasing importance of typography in modern web design.  With the rise of web fonts as well as affordable hosted web font services and ready-made kits, typography is reclaiming its title as design queen, ruler of all graphic and web design, proclaims Smashing Magazine.

What is it and what is it for?

Simply put, typography is the technique and art of arranging type. That includes the choice of each possible element which can affect the web design, like typeface choice, color palette, point size, line length, design integration and layout, among others. Typography, it is said, accounts for up to 95-percent of a website's design.

In web design, the main purpose of typography should be to facilitate readability of the content. Of course, it also helps if your choice of type work style will at the same time make the website visually more appealing and attractive.

What makes for good typography?

Consistency in the use of typefaces, kerning, leading, bullets and formatting is an important element in every good typography work. With consistency, readers tend to really read the content rather than gloss over the formatting. Readers also do tend to read the texts in the order they were meant to be read if there were no distracting inconsistent element in the typography layout.

The selection of font style reflects the content’s tone. The most readable font should be selected for the text body. While fancy fonts may be forgivable when used in the title, heading or sub-heading, the text body should use simple, more readable fonts like Arial, Times Roman or Verdana. Text size too is important. If too big or too small, visitors may be discouraged altogether from reading the content.

Aside from consistency, Lebanon web design professionals will attest that alignment is another important factor in good typography work. Proper alignment helps keep the content look unified and organized. For example, a flush left or a flush right alignment gives a stronger edge line for the eye to follow than a centered alignment. A centered alignment seem to suggest a less serious, more whimsical mood to a piece. In website design, a grid can be the perfect base to design a visually balanced layout. With a grid, a web page can be divided into rows, columns, headers, menus, footers and sidebars that makes for better legibility and smoother navigation.

Ideally, the typography in a good website design should significantly contribute to a reader's digestion of the presented content even as it invites him to also share in the mood conveyed. In fact, it is for this reason that typography has always been considered as a true art-form.

Other suggested best practices

Some expert web designers in Lebanon also recommend putting emphasis on certain important words or phrases by using bold or italic type fonts or by enlarging the size of certain selected portions of a text in order to better grab the readers' attention. They also suggest using contrasting foreground and background colors to create a stronger, more forceful impression.